
Water Agency Shares Blame on Easement

I read the article “Pressure Is On for Mobile Home Residents Above Pipeline” (Jan. 5) about the mobile homes atop the water easement in the Santa Susana Mobile Home Park, and I am disgusted with the attitude taken by the water department.

Where were your people when this park was established? Why weren’t your easements plainly marked and the park developers notified of their location?

If anyone is responsible for the relocation of these coaches, it should be shared by the water department and the park owners. Although the water department was remiss in not having the easement identified, the park developers were also partly to blame for not doing a thorough job of checking the location for problems of this sort. The people who issue permits for this type of development should also take some responsibility. If they were doing a thorough job, they would have known what was in the area and notified the developers when the necessary permits were issued.


Instead of trying to place blame for this on the homeowners, why not come up with an equitable solution?


Simi Valley
