
Double Standard on Masry, Lederer

Edward Masry’s sense of smell is obviously as impaired as his sense of ethics (“The Man Behind the Money,” Jan. 11).

I consider it totally unfair that your newspaper allows him to character-assassinate 15-year resident Jill Lederer who you know has no more than Thousand Oaks’ best interests at heart (before the recall, she was well-known for her involvement in this community) without at the very least setting the record straight.

I realize that the profile was of Masry, but your paper presented a very favorable review of Masry’s spending while castigating Lederer for the past year for putting her money where her mouth was. Lederer stood up for what she believed in at great personal cost to herself. Masry may not know the facts but your newspaper does. Why don’t you print them?



Newbury Park

* Let me get this straight. When Edward Masry spends his money, he is showing a willingness to take a stand. When Jill Lederer spends her money, you make fun of her pizza business. You ignore the fact that Lederer actually knew what she was spending her money on as opposed to Masry, who admitted he didn’t know what was going on.

While I have nothing against Masry, your coverage was shallow at best and sexist at worst. Is this the kind of coverage other courageous people can expect from you when they take a stand that provokes controversy?

And by the way, have any of the allegations about Lederer’s motives that you so quickly printed based on Elois Zeanah’s and Linda Parks’ accusations ever proven to be true? No.


I’d like to see that mentioned in your paper as opposed to making a hero out of Masry. I’m sure he would prefer to do that for himself over time and not at the cost of belittling someone who is already a hero to most of us.


Thousand Oaks
