
Mobile Medical Unit to Assist Indigent

The L.A. Family Housing Corp.’s Homeless Service Center will send its mobile medical unit Thursday to El Centro de Amistad in Canoga Park.

The medical unit, along with the Northeast Valley Health Corp.’s Homeless Health Care Project, will provide medical services ranging from physical examinations to treatment for the flu and minor ailments for the area’s homeless and near-homeless people living in garages, cars or substandard housing, said John Horn, project coordinator.

“We’re increasing our efforts because it’s winter and the flu season is upon us, meaning there’s a greater need for our services,” Horn said.


The center’s staff members will also offer case management services for people needing food or clothing, and individuals who are in danger of becoming homeless, such as those facing eviction, he said.

The mobile medical unit last visited El Centro in July, said Horn, who added that only a few people took advantage of the services that day.

But for Thursday’s visit, 500 fliers were placed in Christmas baskets distributed to needy people in the West Valley, he said.


“We expect to treat between 20 to 30 people,” Horn said. “Although you don’t see as many homeless people in the West Valley as you would in the East Valley, those in the near-homeless category number in the thousands and those are the people we’re trying to assist.”

The mobile unit will provide services from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at El Centro, located on 7024 Deering Ave., one block east of Canoga Avenue between Sherman Way and Vanowen Street in Canoga Park.

For more information, contact Horn at (818) 890-4034.
