
Celebrity Potato Helps Burger King

Advertiser: Burger King Corp.

Agency: Ammirati Puris Lintas, New York

Challenge: Introduce the new Burger King French fries.

The Ad: The children’s toy Mr. Potato Head assumes the role of pitchman in ads promoting the much hyped fries. In the TV commercial, the stop-motion spokesvegetable holds a press conference to announce that the Burger King fries beat McDonald’s fries in a taste test. Then he realistically rushes from the podium without answering questions.

Comment: Using Hasbro Inc.’s Mr. Potato Head attracts attention and gives the spot a playful, light-hearted tone. After all, the stakes are high for Burger King, but not for consumers. The advertising effort got a boost last week from a massive French fry giveaway. $$
