
Judge Bradley Apologizes in Memo to Colleagues

Following is a memo Judge Robert Bradley sent to his colleagues upon returning to work Monday after his arrest Saturday night on suspicion of drunk driving:

From: Robert Bradley

To: Judges, Commissioners, Administration, Secretaries

Date: 1/5/98 8:00 a.m.

Subject: me

As you know, I have devoted the last 30 years of my life to public service, as an Army Captain in Vietnam, as a prosecutor; and now as a senior member of this court. During this time, I have always strived to do what is right and to do my very best.

In recent months I have gone through what is clearly the most difficult period of my life. It has been a hard reminder that regardless of one’s position we are all human, have the same frailties and experience, the same pain and sorrows as anyone else. I am receiving help to deal with my problems and will continue to do so.


Regrettably, as a result of what I have been going through, I have been involved in two recent incidents of drinking and driving. There is no excuse for this conduct and I intend to take full responsibility for it. I want you to know how sorry I am and I apologize for the embarrassment I have caused you and this court. I also want you to know that I am at work today, will carry a full workload and continue to fully discharge the duties of my office. As you are aware, I have never allowed my personal difficulties to adversely affect my judicial duties. I want to assure you that this will continue to be the case.

Thank you for your unflagging support and encouragement. I intend to work doubly hard to continue to deserve that support and to restore the public’s confidence in me.
