
Trustees to Evaluate School Uniform Policy

How successful is a new policy requiring uniforms at Dale Junior High School?

The answer might prompt trustees in the Anaheim Union High School District to expand uniform requirements to other campuses. Trustees will consider the issue Thursday.

Since adopting uniforms last summer at Dale Junior High School, school officials said that vandalism and other disciplinary problems have been reduced.

Parents opposed to uniforms can sign a waiver releasing their children from the requirement. But more than 80% have approved the uniforms.


“Overall there is a difference on campus,” Dale Principal John Douglas said. “Although it’s not definitive, statistically things have improved.”

Trustee Katherine Smith said she has received positive feedback from teachers and administrators at other schools about an expanded uniform policy.

The meeting starts at 7:30 p.m. at the district offices, 501 Crescent Way.
