
Son’s Role in Gulf Region

Our family watches with growing apprehension the escalating events in the Gulf region. Our son, Petty Officer Robert Washburn, a member of the U.S. Navy destroyer Paul Foster crew, completed a tour of duty in the western Pacific and the Gulf earlier this year. Bob is currently stationed in Seattle.

Part of the 5th Fleet this spring, Bob’s ship helped enforce the United Nations embargo against Iraq. His ship stopped and boarded vessels going into and out of Iraq (searching for contraband).

After visiting ports throughout the world, he said that he had a new appreciation both for his nation and for his home, Los Angeles. Seeing the U.S. flag in foreign ports made him realize why he was serving in the military. An abstract concept called patriotism became very real to a sailor far from home.


While we are proud of our son and his shipmates, we are mindful that he is named in honor of my kid brother who is today on line 46, panel 46 west of the Vietnam Memorial. Our son and the military personnel who maintain world order will be in our prayers as President Clinton and the United Nations decide the course of action in the Middle East.

Our son is an electronic technician to the Navy. To his family, he’s a fun-loving kid who shocked us by joining the Navy for six years. We take pride in his service. It is sometimes difficult to realize in these prosperous times that we have men and women serving in the military who daily face the task of maintaining world peace.

GARY and JUDY WASHBURN, Chatsworth
