
Intelligent Letter Writers Tackle a Rather Hot Topic

Cathy Skubik of Harbor Magnet school in San Pedro asked her fifth-grade class to write letters to The Times about whether Canadian snowboarder Ross Rebagliati should have lost his gold medal after testing positive for marijuana. Here are some of their efforts:

One of the reasons that I think he should get the medal is because marijuana does not help him in sports. It does not make him stronger like steroids. It does not push him forward, it holds him back and makes him weaker.

The next reason is that he worked for this and deserves it. They should take the urine test before they even accept them in the Olympics.


Well, that is why I think he should get the gold medal. I hope you think the same.



I think Ross Rebagliati should get his medal taken away because if he gets away with it other kids and people that look up to him will think that they can get away with using marijuana and after that kids might even drop out of school to use drugs and things like that.

I think that Ross should get the gold medal taken away, but get a participation medal for working so hard.


P.S. It would be cool if you could put this in the newspaper.


I think that he should not have the medal. Because he should not have taken drugs in the first place. Also it sets a bad example for smaller children who look up to him.


I also think that he should get the medal. Because there were no rules that say he can’t get the medal by using marijuana. Also he earned it.

The Canadians should look up a rule about marijuana use in the Olympics. It is also illegal to use marijuana in Japan.



Where will it stop? Will it go to basketball, football or baseball?

Even if kids didn’t look up to him, it should still be considered cheating, since marijuana is a hallucinogen.


I think that there should be a rule that no athlete should be able to take any drug.

Your intelligent fifth grader,

