
CBS Dropping Puck

Will everyone who feels that CBS is giving us the worst Olympic coverage ever please step forward?

In the past, I have loved watching the winter Olympics. I’d be glued to the TV during the downhill skiing, bobsledding and figure skating. And just like every good red-blooded American, I shed tears of joy as I watched the U.S. hockey team beat the Russians in 1980.

Ah, but those were the good ol’ days, before CBS got hold of the Olympic telecast and made a complete mess of it. Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to see start-to-finish coverage of a hockey game or ski event? Gee, say the yahoos at CBS, what a concept!


And all those commercials? Don’t get me started on those! As for that alleged sportscaster named Kennedy, why doesn’t someone give her a job on MTV, where she belongs?

I was really looking forward to watching the winter Olympics this year. Now, thanks to the ineptitude of CBS, I can’t wait for them to be over.


