Visa Accepts Something Less Than a Perfect Ad
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Advertiser: Visa USA
Agency: BBDO, New York
Challenge: Find a memorable way to communicate Visa’s $40-million sponsorship of the Nagano Olympics.
The Ad: One frequently aired TV spot shows athletes pledging to do their best, presumably in the Olympics. “I will not accept anything less than 80 miles per hour,” says a man holding a toboggan. “I will not accept anything less than one minute, 17 seconds,” says a downhill skier. The action shifts to an Olympics ticket-seller, who says in a Japanese accent, “I will not accept any card but Visa.” A voice-over informs viewers that Visa is accepted at the Games because the card company is a worldwide sponsor.
Comment: Ads in these Olympic times are bursting with skiers and skaters, so they tend to blur together. Visa seems to be getting through to consumers, though. Two recent consumer polls have found that it is among the best-remembered Olympic sponsors, along with Coca-Cola and McDonald’s. That aside, the ad could use some tinkering. Since the lowest time wins in downhill skiing, surely the skier would accept anything less than one minute, 17 seconds. In the commercial, the skier actually accepts a slower time. The spot ends with a shot of the skier crossing the finish line as an electronic timekeeper flashes 1:17:08. $$
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