
Takeover of Services Could Cut Water Bills

A proposal for the city to take over water and sanitation services could mean lower utility bills for some residents, officials say.

At a workshop with the City Council, city staff members said that land owned by the South Coast Water District, which includes parts of Dana Point, would be sold if water service were consolidated citywide.

The revenue could be used to pay off debt for improvements and result in lower water bills for homeowners in areas now served by the South Coast Water District.


“The money would have to stay in those zones,” Councilman Harold R. Kaufman said. “It couldn’t be used for people in Capistrano Beach or other places.” City staff members said one piece of property that could be purchased by the city is the Dana Hills Tennis Center, a public facility owned by the water district.

Councilwoman Toni Gallagher expressed concern about not having enough financial information to know what taking over water service would cost Dana Point and what it would mean for the aging infrastructure.

The council next week will consider sending an application for the consolidation to the Local Agency Formation Commission, which is responsible for merging government entities.
