
City Council Takes Its Meeting on the Road

Plans for the future of the San Fernando Valley Civic Center and a broadening of the definition of adult entertainment will be discussed at a City Council meeting to be held tonight in Encino.

As part of an ongoing effort to bring city government to local neighborhoods, the council will meet in the Valley for the first time since 1996, when it visited three times.

In the past, council meetings outside of City Hall have been tailored to the interests of the host community, but city officials said this series of meetings is expected to include items of interest to the entire city.


Among the subjects to be discussed will be a joint-powers agreement among the city, county, state and federal governments to develop a long-term strategy for sharing the San Fernando Valley Civic Center.

It also will consider a motion by Councilwoman Cindy Miscikowski, in whose district the meeting will be held, to broaden the municipal code definition of adult entertainment businesses and require a conditional-use permit for the operation of any new such businesses proposed within 500 feet of a religious institution, school or public park.

The meeting will begin at 7 p.m. at the Encino Community Center, 4935 Balboa Blvd. For information, call (213) 237-0974.
