
“My Home Gym”, Produced by Randy, Jamie and Cory Bertisch, Two versions available: for children 2-4 or 5-8, $16.95 for the video and two workout scarves, Length: 45 minutes

No doubt about it, most kids don’t get enough exercise. The creators of the California-based My Gym children’s fitness centers have made a sincere effort here to get kids moving. The videos are entertaining, safe and age-appropriate. There is an emphasis on learning skills that will assist kids in sports--knowledge parents may find useful before signing their kids up for basketball or softball. I was bothered, however, by the set that showed mounds of indoor playground equipment, which may send the message to kids that fancy stuff is needed for fitness. I found one of the most useful parts of the tape to be a segment on free dance. No equipment or skills were needed, just energy to burn.
