
Port Hueneme Redevelopment

The Times is to be commended for Nick Green’s article, “Port Hueneme Searches for Its Long-Lost Commercial Core” (Feb. 8). With issues of land use at the forefront of discussion in Ventura County, this series on urban centers is most timely.

I have long believed that Market Street is an area of great potential. The difficulty in realizing that promise lies not with the actions of city government but with the vagaries of the real estate market.

Essential to understanding redevelopment is the realization that the city does not “build things.” A properly designed redevelopment program merely facilitates private development. While I and the rest of the City Council would dearly love to see a revitalized Market Street Landing, the most we can do is seek a private investor who shares our vision. None of us has given up on this part of town, nor will we.


Although Market Street may no longer be the focus of economic activity it once was, that does not mean there is nothing happening in Port Hueneme. Today our economic hub lies along Channel Islands Boulevard. In fact, the City Council just gave approval to the Westin Co. for the completion of the retail center at the corner of Channel Islands and Victoria boulevards--a project long delayed by the stagnant economy. Although this part of town is automobile- rather than pedestrian-oriented, it provides the majority of our sales tax revenue. This new project is a healthy sign for the Channel Islands neighborhood and the city as a whole.

I am greatly distressed by the recent attacks by some Sacramento insiders on redevelopment law. While not all redevelopment decisions have been wise (I campaigned vigorously against some of the choices that had been made in Port Hueneme), there is not a city in the state that has not benefited from this opportunity.

Port Hueneme has a redevelopment program that is working quite well. In fact, The auditors who conducted the most recent examination of our redevelopment agency told me, “You’ve got one of the best-run agencies we’ve ever seen.” I think that’s something to be proud of.


Not having the advantages of some cities means that Port Hueneme really does have to try harder. But when we consider how far our city has come in its 50 years of incorporation, all our citizens can take real pride in our accomplishments. Just as we are better off today than yesterday, tomorrow will be better still. Port Hueneme has a great future. Just watch us.


Mayor, Port Hueneme
