
TCI’s Java Choice Has Broad Implications

“TCI Opts for Java, Foiling Microsoft’s Cable TV Bid” [Jan. 10] exaggerates the decision’s significance to Sun and gives scarce mention of the true impact of TCI’s action.

Simply put, TCI has cast a major vote in support of open-technology standards and free-market management of the technology sector. TCI knows open standards eliminate monopolistic control of core technology. TCI also knows this can lower the cost of technology to TCI and the rest of us.

TCI and other communication vendors must work to force down the cost of Internet technologies. Set-top Internet access boxes are still $200 to $300--a lot of money to many folks. Forcing competition will help create a less costly and more accessible consumer market for all Internet-based services.


By picking Java, TCI is forcing Microsoft to come to the standards table on TCI’s terms and meet Sun in the middle. Getting Microsoft and Sun to the open-standards debate on more even footing will help ensure competition in the Internet applications marketplace.


Aliso Viejo
