
Crowded School

With respect to Jan D. Vandersloot’s disapproval of the Capistrano Unified School District’s planned high school building site (Letters, Jan. 29), I invite Vandersloot to attend classes for a day or two at grossly overcrowded Capistrano Valley High School.

Then he could ask himself if he would want his children to attend there. He should also meet with our superintendent, James Fleming. He will very graciously explain the problems facing this fastest-growing school district in the state of California and why it is so important that we build another high school (or two or three).

Perhaps this is not everyone’s idea of the best school site in Orange County. But everyone in Orange County doesn’t live near this site. A new high school at that site will serve thousands of youth over many decades to come.


Before he continues to lambaste the district, he should remember who created the need for a new high school: the developers who have built homes and are continuing to do so all over ecologically sensitive South Orange County.


Mission Viejo
