
With PTA, Involvement Is the Key

Terri Belkin is past president of the 12th District Parent Teacher Assn., which covers all of Ventura County

“To find out what’s happening in my child’s school”--I hear this repeatedly from Parent Teacher Assn. volunteers when asked why they got involved.

What begins, for most of us, with the simple idea of helping, baking cookies and learning more about the education circle in our community ends up being a commitment made to all children and youth.

We begin our passion in our local school, working as room representative, at the carnival or volunteering time in a classroom. Before we know it we are extending our scope to include other areas of PTA, councils and districts.


We quickly discover that PTA is more than we thought with our first encounter, more than bake sales and social get-togethers, more than at-home moms supplying cookies. It is an organization of working dads and moms who have become involved with the largest child-advocacy organization in the nation.

PTA is involved with:

* Legislation--Working in Sacramento and Washington to secure adequate laws for the care and protection of children and youth. Some examples include parent involvement policies in all school districts in the state, class-size reduction and working parents being given time to attend school functions or volunteer in the school (40 hours during the year). Each year PTA volunteers gather at the state PTA convention to reaffirm the legislation platform of the California State PTA and to introduce new resolutions for the organization to work on in the coming years.

* Parent Education--Bringing into close relation the home and school. Topics presented range from school conferences to gangs, from single parenting to adjusting to peer pressures. PTAs in local schools and communities are committed to helping parents deal with school, teen and parenting issues. These parent education events are offered free of charge and open to all parents.


* Students--Parent Teacher and Student Assns. are located at middle schools, junior high schools and high schools. Students are an important part of PTA. Students help plan and implement events and ideas, as well as share their thoughts on issues and programs that PTAs present.

* Scholarships--Scholarships are offered to school nurses, teachers, PTA volunteers and high school seniors. Furthering education is a high priority for PTA.

* Reflections--A fine arts program sponsored by the national PTA. As art programs are slowly dwindling in our schools, PTAs give students the opportunity to share their creative talents in photography, literature, visual arts and music. Scholarships are available for students to further their talents in these areas.


Getting involved with PTA is easy. Attend meetings offered by the PTA in your local school. Just ask at any PTA school for information. Most importantly, join a PTA and lend your voice to the million members in California who are counted, involved and informed.
