
Advocacy Groups Help Demystify Health Care

As usual, Benefits Bob provides understandable answers to some of the challenging and often complex health coverage issues that many people face (“Preparing for Nursing Care Costs,” Nov. 9). Our health care system should not be so incredibly complicated, but it is.

Frequently, variations in an individual’s situation affect the information and advice that should be given. Californians are extremely fortunate to have available a network of independent nonprofit consumer advocacy groups known as the HICAPs--Health Insurance Counseling and Advocacy Programs. HICAPs provide objective information, counseling and assistance free of charge to Medicare beneficiaries and their families regarding Medicare, managed care, long-term care insurance and other related health insurance issues. All of California’s 24 HICAPs may be reached by calling toll-free (800) 434-0222.


Legal counsel

California HICAP Assn.
