
Smart Aleck

The question Aug. 23: A task force is meeting to discuss how to replenish the disappearing sand on Los Angeles County’s beaches. Where would you suggest we get a new supply of sand--and how should it be brought here?


From the sandman, of course.

Karen Richman, Los Angeles


In 1974, when I was living in West Palm Beach, Fla., the state floated a barge about two miles out and used a slurry pump system to pump sand mixed with water back on to the beaches. I suggest the task force check with West Palm Beach for the details and costs.

Ron Nicolai, Glendale


Disappearing sand? Perhaps we should assign an independent counsel.

Casey Wollenberg, Los Angeles


Years ago, beach sand was sent from Manhattan Beach to Waikiki. They should send it back.

Mike Reardon, Fallbrook


Having just returned from the Colorado River armed with the knowledge that Lake Powell and Lake Mead are filling with sand, the thought came that it might be possible to transport such sand to L.A. County beaches via existing oil pipelines. Such a concept would provide economic benefits to both the donor and recipient.


John Stutsman, Pacific Palisades


After the next Big One, the Getty Center’s travertine surfacings will have crumbled significantly. Simply hose it down the hill toward Santa Monica, and voila! Really exquisite (albeit expensive) beach sand.

Delores D. Lonely, Los Angeles


The heads of the task force members . . . lots of sand there.

Emil C. Hampton, Los Angeles


Have each beach-goer bring a 25-pound sack of kitty litter to pour on designated areas. Two: All California-bound Middle East flight and cruise tourists will be allowed a 30% discount if they fill at least one suitcase, their pockets, purses, garment bags, backpacks and fanny packs with desert sand for our depleted coast.

Wayne E. Scott, Camarillo
