
Health Fair to Feature Lead Poison Prevention

The Wyvernwood Health Fair today will provide residents with free health services and information on how to prevent lead poisoning in their community.

The 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. event will be held at the Wyvernwood Garden Apartments at 3109 Wynwood Lane. It is free to residents of the apartments and the surrounding community.

Free services will include immunizations, blood pressure testing and dental screenings. Residents can also get information about nutrition and communicable and sexually transmitted diseases.


The fair will showcase units of the Wyvernwood Garden Apartments which have recently been renovated and made free of lead.

The fair is sponsored by the management of the apartments and the Los Angeles County Department of Health Services. For information contact Eleanor Long at (213) 351-1908 or Ana Elba Cabrera at (213) 739-6286.
