
Vote on Headlands Response Funds Due

The City Council will decide today whether to spend $22,000 for responses to public comments on the Headlands project, and $10,000 for a Web page and citywide newsletter on the controversial development plan.

By law, the city must respond in writing to each written or oral comment on the project’s environmental impact report.

Officials said the extra money is needed because comments are expected to be “extensive and numerous.”


Under the related proposal, the city would pay its Web provider, UpCom, about $1,000 to establish a six- to 10-page Internet site for six months. The citywide newsletter would cost $8,000 to $9,000, according to a city report.

Under a recent compromise, developer Sanford Edward of Laguna Beach said he would agree to a 185-home limit on the 121-acre site.

That is the same number of homes the city recommended and is down from 267 in an earlier proposal. He abandoned plans to build houses on an environmentally sensitive bluff-top section, and proposed to deed that land to the city or other public agency.


The development plan will be back for Planning Commission review Wednesday. It could go before the City Council in October.
