
Don’t Boo-Hoo Over Boo-Boos

Slicing your peanut butter and banana sandwich, you’re distracted by that night’s topic on talk radio, “Why Tammy Faye Is My Idol,” and cut your finger. Do you:

1. Scream for Mommy, see your life pass before your eyes and faint?


2. Get a bandage and antibiotic ointment from your self-care kit because, as a firm believer in the Boy Scouts’ motto, you are prepared?

If you picked No. 1, read on. You need serious help. If you picked No. 2, read on; there’s more to self-care than just taking care of cuts, but at least you have the right equipment in place.


The following supplies and over-the-counter medications are recommended for self-care kits for minor ailments:

* Antihistamines and decongestants for allergies and colds.

* Baking soda to relieve itching from minor rashes.

* Aspirin or aspirin substitutes to relieve pain (aspirin shouldn’t be given to those 18 or younger).

* Preparations (such as kaolin) to control diarrhea.

* Cough syrup: expectorants to loosen mucus and cough suppressants to quiet coughs.

* Adhesive bandages and tape and gauze to cover small wounds or rashes.

* A thermometer to monitor fevers.

* Elastic bandages to support injured joints or limbs.

And remember, always, always read the label before using any medication. (What, you thought buying the stuff and putting together a pretty little kit was it? You have to know how to use it all.) Follow all the instructions for safe and effective use. Ask your pharmacist or doctor if you have questions about using a medication.



Source: Based on information provided by the StayWell Co.

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