
Ads Don’t Belong on the Beaches

* I was saddened and shocked to read your July 22 article reporting that the Orange County supervisors had approved a corporate sponsorship campaign to bring advertisements to our public beaches.

I cannot understand the mentality necessary to approve the granting of titles such as “official marine safety vehicle of Orange Coast beaches” in exchange for money. I suppose it is the same shortsighted thinking that replaces “Anaheim Stadium” with Edison Field.

There was mention of “sponsor advertisements” on trash cans as well. We can all imagine the possibilities if this money-grubbing trend is not stopped. First, each lifeguard stand will have a sign attached: “This stand brought to you by (insert sponsor name) to make your life more enjoyable.”


Next the entire beach will be blocked from highway view by billboards extolling the virtues of their products. Can anyone doubt that once the precedent is set future politicians will see corporate advertising as easy money? It will not be long before every county park will have a corporate name--”Edison Mile Square Park” for example.

How ironic that in Orange County, one of the richest counties in the nation, we are willing to sell our beautiful beaches to the highest bidder.

Are we so cheap and selfish that we are not willing to raise our taxes $1 or $2 per year to keep the freedom and beauty we have now? If not, we are too selfish to deserve to live in such a wonderful place and I am ashamed of us and mourn for the future.



Fountain Valley
