
Beach to Stay Open Late for Grunion Run

For the first time in years, Bolsa Chica State Beach will stay open late Sunday so visitors can try to catch grunions dancing by the light of the moon.

Grunions, a silvery little fish from 5 to 7 inches long, only spawn at high tide during full moons from February to August. And the only places in the world they run are areas from Point Concepcion to the Baja area, ranger Rob Robbins said.

They come in from their habitats 2 or 3 miles offshore and lay eggs in the sand--hence the mythical legend of their full-moon dance. The eggs are fertilized and the tide washes them back offshore in about 10 days.


“People take the story as a myth or a fable,” Robbins said. “But it’s true. On the highest moon, at the highest tide, the fish come up and dance on the sand. They are a silver fish and reflect in the moonlight, which makes them seem even more mysterious.”

In honor of the event, the gates of the beach--which can be entered off Pacific Coast Highway at the first traffic light east of Warner Avenue--will stay open until 10 p.m.

Rangers will discuss the history of the grunion runs about 9 p.m. at the picnic area near Lifeguard Tower No. 20. The fish are expected to begin their run about 10:45 p.m.; grunion catchers can stay until 11:30 p.m.


There are some rules. The grunions are very sensitive to light and noise.

Typically, a few males will scope out the shoreline to see if the way is clear before thousands more follow. So visitors must be quiet during the run, Robbins said.

Fish may only be caught with bare hands. No nets or pails allowed.


Running on the Beach

California law says catching grunion is a task that must be done the old-fashioned way--by hand. So don’t take a net or other trapping tool with you. And you may not dig holes to trap them either. But you may want to bring:

* Storage container

* A flashlight

* Warm clothing that you don’t mind getting wet

* A valid California fishing license if you are older than 16

Grunion Facts

* Name: Leuresthes tenuis

* Relatives: Jacksmelt and topsmelt

* Description: Greenish, with a silver-blue stripe, bluish blotch on cheek

* Range: Point Concepcion, Calif., to Point Abreojos, Baja California

* Spawning months: February through August

* Life span: Three years

* Size: about 6 inches

Source: California Department of Fish and Game
