
Schools Say LAX Noise Is Affecting Learning

The Redondo Beach School Board unanimously adopted a resolution to urge the Federal Aviation Administration to discontinue flights over district schools, saying noisy airplanes resulted “in a lesser degree of student learning.”

The document alleged that the FAA recently changed flight paths so that jets depart over Redondo Beach and that the air traffic has “become an increased annoyance to students, staff and community members.”

The five-member board also encouraged the city of Los Angeles to reject the proposed expansion of Los Angeles International Airport until a regional transportation study is completed, saying the airport’s growth would only worsen noise problems.


A copy of the resolution was sent to other South Bay school districts, urging them to take similar action.

“This is something that we find intolerable,” said school board President Rebecca Sargent. “It’s pure and simple noise pollution, and we will not be quiet.”

But the FAA denied that jets are routed over Redondo Beach.

“The information is incorrect,” said Elly Brekke, the regional manager for the FAA. “We are not directing jets over Redondo Beach unless there is some kind of unusual or emergency situation.”


Brekke admitted that an FAA investigation found there were noise problems caused by older, eastbound planes that couldn’t climb as quickly as newer craft, but that they were redirected to fly over the ocean on an existing route until they gained the required altitude.

“The FAA does not arbitrarily change flight paths without going through the proper environmental studies,” she said.

Yet residents and officials in several South Bay communities have complained about increased noise, beginning a year ago.
