
Tip: Sequels Rarely Rate, Any Questions?

Advertiser: Partnership for a Drug-Free America

Agency: Margeotes Fertitta & Partners, New York

Challenge: Dramatize the harm caused by drug use.

The Ad: This 30-second spot is an update of the much-parodied frying pan spot in which an announcer likens a fried egg to “your brain on drugs.” In this ad, a young women smashes an egg with a frying pan to show what snorting heroin does to your brain. Then she uses the frying pan to smash dishes, glasses, a wall clock and other objects to show what an addiction does to family, friends, money, job and self-respect. It ends the same way as the old anti-drug ad, with the woman asking, “Any questions?”

Comment: In Hollywood, few sequels are as good as the original. This ad is no exception. A revival of “Any questions?” parodies would further blunt the impact of this spot. $$
