
Can’t Get Enough of the Clinton Scandal? The Internet Runneth Over


Not yet bored to tears with the gobs and gobs of sex scandal minutia flung out on the nightly news in the name of political reporting? One information source with even fewer standards and less integrity than either broadcast or print journalism is, of course, the Internet, and there you can access a dizzying array of Clinton jokes, Monica snapshots and pages and pages of puerile humor regarding the Clinton-Lewinksy what-have-you-gate.

The Clinton-Lewinsky scandal is such perfect material for Web satirists and Photoshop dabblers that the Net even has awards for best Zippergate sites. Over at Clinton Sex Scandal Headquarters ( they’re handing out “Monica Gold Awards” for “the very best in cheap sleazy Clinton sex scandal sites.” Since lots of Americans view the scandal as pure entertainment, there really is no reason for anyone to exert any energy in partaking of this leisure time activity. Therefore, headquarters has made it possible for surfers to view a plethora of scandal sites without lifting a finger. Simply select the automated tour, (choose categories from opinion to humor) sit back and view as the winning sites parade before your eyes.

Among the sites you’ll see are Monicacam (, which consists of a live shot of 1100 Connecticut Ave. in Washington, the offices of Lewinsky’s new lawyers, Plato Cacheris and Jacob Stein. The site comes replete with suggested viewing patterns to best catch Lewinksy entering or exiting.


At you can fill out a fictitious White House Internship Application featuring questions that have little do with academics or interest in government. One such item: How many beers does it take to get you: (a) giggly; (b) drunk; (c) hot; (d) to lie to a federal prosecutor.

You can also read parodies of news items at Doomed, a paper with the credo “Beyond the constraints of truth.” At you can find headlines such as “Lewinksy a Soviet Agent?” and “Kenneth Starr Really Computer Android.”

Of course there are countless Web sites that list jokes galore, and most of the jokes compiled are pretty filthy. One of the less less offensive jokes at is “Q. Why did the intern cross the road? A. To get to the book contract she needed to sign on the other side.”


The site is an all-Monica, all-the-time search engine. There you’ll find her (alleged) own home page. You’ll also find the top 100 most frequently visited Monica sites, which include MonicaVision and Pop-Up Monica, a site that adds thought-bubbles to her Vanity Fair photo spread.

Of course, there is a mountain of smutty sites and right-wing sites and sites that sell screen-savers, bumper stickers and the like. There are many sites that mock the concept of a right-wing conspiracy. But there are few sites that sympathize with our president’s plight. One shoot-’em-up game, Clinton’s Revenge at lets you take aim at the face of Linda Tripp and her ilk.

Finally, smart humor can be found at, a Web site featuring editorial cartoons about the scandal from the nation’s top papers.


Erika Milvy can be reached at [email protected]
