
Proposed NoHo Studio Complex

Re “Studio Plan Is Risky Business but Not Mission Impossible for NoHo,” July 29. There are a few details that should be considered before any agreement is reached or the go-ahead is given:

* Greenbelt setbacks from all walled enclosures that surround the studio proper. These greenbelts should be designed and constructed [to make] the areas attractive to those who drive, walk or live nearby. Landscaping should also assist in soundproofing the adjacent neighborhood.

* If the developer is serious about building shops, entertainment complexes, retail space, restaurants and / or hotel facilities, these facilities must have major parking structures for complete off-street parking. Something should be considered along the lines of free parking for business guests for the first 5 years. Parking should be developed as underground structures, so as not to be an eyesore.


* Be it that 43 acres will eventually be needed, the developer, if his intentions are to upgrade the whole community, should be required to provide open, public plaza space throughout the commercial / retail development portion for the use of the community.

When the entire community is taken into consideration and given a stake, a consensus will develop to support this type of expansion and less risk to the investor / developers will be involved.


North Hollywood
