
Reimbursement for Dornan

* According to your Aug. 11 editorial, you consider it a bad example for the House Oversight Committee to reimburse Robert K. Dornan because he lost his case.

On the contrary, you set a worse example by not recognizing the fact that Dornan did not lose the case because there was ample proof of extensive voter fraud. And no doubt that there was much more than could be proved.

At the outset of the investigation it was a given that voter fraud would be difficult to prove. Especially suspect are the absentee ballots that are cast. There is no way to put a tracer on those ballots since the envelopes with the required voter’s name (or closest relative’s name) are disposed of and not traceable.


Was it purely accidental that Rep. Loretta Sanchez (D-Garden Grove) proclaimed, when Dornan was in the lead, that the absentee votes would declare her a winner? One cannot help but wonder.

More revealing were Sanchez’s protestations and stonewalling during the investigation and her [saying] that a little fraud might be uncovered, but so what?

Obviously The Times would agree that some voter fraud is OK. But at least we know, thanks to Dornan, it was discovered that there was indeed election fraud and not merely improper votes, as you claim. We should not accept anything less than zero fraud in the coming election.



Laguna Beach

* Will Robert Dornan ever learn? He is quoted as saying, “By giving me that money [repayment for the 1996 election challenge] I have a chance to take back my seat.”

It’s not all about money, it’s about the people liking and respecting you. America is maturing. The “good-old boy” network is not what it used to be.

The brazen, foul-mouthed, macho warrior isn’t nearly as popular as the polite, respected and effective representative of the people. We should be proud of our politicians, not embarrassed by them. I would almost move to Garden Grove just to be able to vote no on his reelection. Is there any chance his future defeat would finally mean his silence?



Fountain Valley

* I can’t believe it! My tax money going to support Robert Dornan in his bid for reelection! Ever since he was first elected, this man has been an embarrassment not only to Orange County but to the Republican Party.

This is supposed to be a democracy, but what happens to democratic principles when the government decides to support, with tax money, a certain candidate for office?



* Sanchez’s aide says, “Dornan’s [approval ratings] are very low and the only way he can get his numbers up is to go negative” (Aug. 7).

Oh no! Isn’t that a little like spoiling a rotten egg?


