
He’s Probably Still Using His 1935 Clubs Too

The way Henry Dehen figures it, since he bought a lifetime pass to play Portland’s municipal golf courses for $100 in 1935, his average cost has been about a penny a round. That’s not bad, considering it now costs $19 to play during the week and $21 on weekends.

He bought the pass because he was tired of paying up to 25 cents a round. A year later, two buddies also bought lifetime cards. Dehen and Louis Rose, both 88, and Jake DeYoung, 86, still use the worn and tattered passes they bought more than 60 years ago.

“If I had to pay greens fees, it would cost me $100 per month or maybe more,” DeYoung said.



Trivia time: Who was the only NBA player at the World Basketball Championship in Athens?


Remembering Richie: Richie Powers, who died recently at 69, was one of the legendary NBA officials, along with Mendy Rudolph and Earl Strom, in the 1960s and ‘70s when referees commanded respect from the players.

Powers’ nickname: Double Dewars.


Golden oldie: Ben Levinson of Los Angeles is 103, but he’s also an athlete. Levinson will compete for the gold medal in the shotput at the Nike World Masters Games in Eugene, Ore., this week.

By the way, Levinson also competes in rock climbing and archery. He says it’s paid off. “I’m in better shape now than when I was 100.”



Changing times: The corporate motto of the Progressive Tool & Industries Co., sponsor of the PICO American Dream unlimited hydroplane team, is “The Mark of Excellence.” When the company hired Mark Tate and Mark Evans as its drivers, the sign on the side of the transporter was changed to “The Marks of Excellence.”


Ouch! After a poorly attended Indy Racing League event at Dover Downs in Delaware, Angelique S. Chengelis of the Detroit News commented: “The series took another step to a name change--the Irrelevant Racing League.”


One man’s view: The NBA labor talks, as seen by Michael Wilbon of the Washington Post:

“Here’s the good news from talks between the NBA owners and the players they’ve locked out: Both sides are talking about testing and punishing for marijuana use.


“Here’s the bad news: Everything else.”


Sharing a name: The University of Washington plans to rename its basketball home because Seafirst Bank promised $5.1 million for renovations.

Instead of Hec Edmundson Pavilion--named for a coach who spent 27 years leading the Huskies--the renovated arena will be called Seafirst Arena at Hec Edmundson Pavilion.


Flip flop: The best record for a college football coach turning a losing program into a winning one was done by Dave Arnold of Montana State in 1984. He took a team with a 1-10-1 record the previous season and turned it into a club with a 12-2 showing.


Trivia answer: Center Chris Anstey of the Dallas Mavericks, who played for Australia.


And finally: Cub slugger Sammy Sosa, on the race to break Roger Maris’ home run record: “I never pay attention to whatever McGwire or Griffey do. I love those guys, don’t get me wrong. But I’m with Chicago, and I can’t follow every movement they make. I’m in a different world.”
