
Women Laugh Too

Quite frankly, I am appalled. Not by “There’s Something About About Mary” but by the insipid article that appeared in the Saturday paper (“ ‘Mary’: The Contrary Romantic Comedy,” by Judith I. Brennan, Aug. 1). Does Brennan honestly believe that women are only drawn into this film because of its romantic elements? Would it be impossible to imagine women flocking to simply a comedy, or are those reserved only for the boys? Could it be that this is what is wrong with the executives and producers of Hollywood? They underestimate who their audiences are, what they want and who can appreciate it.

I saw the preview, I fell apart laughing and I was there opening night. I couldn’t wait. Good comedy is hard to find, and this was irresistible. I hardly consider it romantic at all; it’s just a well-executed, well-acted, ridiculously funny film.

Wake up, Hollywood. Stop being so pedantic. It’s not just Leo and a boat that gets women to the movies, even for repeat business. And I know for myself, in between all that laundry and knitting, I need a good laugh.


MERRIN DUNGEY, West Hollywood
