
Limbaugh on Quiz

Rush Limbaugh’s “Forget What You Know, How Do You Feel?” (Column Right, Sept. 21) should be a wakeup call for the establishment. People dismiss Limbaugh, because he is an intellectual featherweight who gets his slender diet of facts from dubious sources. Limbaugh has been smart enough, however, to realize that there is a tremendous amount of ill feeling in this country, growing every day as the working class gets left further and further behind the elite. Limbaugh mines that mother lode of angst, not with reasoned arguments, but with mockery and derision designed to turn Americans who are sinking together against each other.

When Limbaugh says, “It’s not what people know, but what they feel that counts,” that is the frank and staring face of demagoguery, an attack on the American idea. And he can only prosper further, unless the corporate and governmental elite begin to take the feelings of the majority of Americans into consideration.


Santa Barbara
