
The Further Adventures of Popeye

Shiver me timbers. You say you want to know more about Popeye? You’re in luck.

Barnes & Noble Booksellers reports that there are several books on the subject in print. The definitive volume seems to be the 288-page “Popeye: An Illustrated History of E.C. Segar’s Character in Print, Radio, Television and Film Appearances, 1929-1993” (McFarland & Co., Inc., Publishers, 1994; $32.50).

Popeye also figures prominently in books about the animation of the Fleischer brothers, including “The Fleischer Story” by Leslie Cabarga (DaCapo Press, 1976, 1988; $16.95).

Videos? You bet. Blockbuster Video lists 21 available for rent, from such late-’30s goodies as “Popeye Meets Sindbad the Sailor,” one of three lengthier Popeye episodes in which you-know-who saves Olive from the clutches of the evil Sindbad, played by archrival Bluto, to more recent stuff including “Popeye and Friends in Outer Space” and the 1980 live-action “Popeye” starring Robin Williams.


Starting Nov. 9, cable’s Cartoon Network will screen classic Popeye cartoons in its “Late Night Black & White,” Sunday nights at 10.
