
Juvenile Crime Will Be Topic of Hearing

State lawmakers will meet with students and residents Monday to discuss the issue of juvenile crime at a joint hearing of the Assembly’s Public Safety and Human Services committees at Birmingham High School.

The event is one of six such hearings around the state, and two in Los Angeles. Assemblyman Robert Hertzberg (D-Sherman Oaks) arranged to hold the all-day hearing at Birmingham in an effort to connect with those affected directly by juvenile crime.

“This hearing is a means to start responding to those California voters desiring prevention and intervention strategies and approaches that strengthen public safety by preventing an unnecessary cycle of crime,” Hertzberg said in a statement.


The hearing, which is open to the public, is scheduled from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the Oral Arts Room of the high school, 17000 Haynes St. For information, call Hertzberg’s Van Nuys office at (818) 376-4040.
