
Array of Health Tests to Be Offered Sunday

Seeking to improve the health of area residents, a local chapter of the Lions Club and the Arleta Chamber of Commerce will offer free health screenings Sunday at Branford Community Park.

Screenings for vision, hearing, dental health, diabetes, anemia and high blood pressure will be conducted by trained medical personnel in the Lions Club Mobile Screening Unit from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Patients needing further treatment will be referred to area health-care facilities supported by Lions Club International, said Elvie Marfil, event chairwoman for the Mabuhay Lions Club of Los Angeles, District 4-L3.


Branford Community Park is at 13306 Branford St. at the corner of Beachy Avenue. For information, call Marfil at (818) 980-7010.
