
James Michener

Re “Blockbuster Author Michener Dies,” Oct. 17: When I hear the name James A. Michener, my head is flooded with stories, history, embellishments and an imagination that didn’t slow down for 90 years. He stated that he was not an author, and did not have a brilliant mind.

Well Mr. Michener, this individual says you are wrong in that assessment, because you were exactly that and so much more that it cannot be put into words. When I think of the name Michener, what comes to mind is a Frenchman paddling down the Snake River in Colorado, by the name of Pasquinel, on his way to get beaver pelts. If you want to be remembered as a man with three names, as if it makes any difference, then I say to you with so many fond memories of your stories, goodbye James Albert Michener. You will be missed.


Newport Beach

* When Michener’s book, “Centennial,” was made into a miniseries by Universal in 1979, the chapters were sent down to our research department to spot any possible inaccuracies or anachronisms.


After reading and thoroughly researching (we wanted to be right) six of the chapters and finding nothing to report, we sent them back to the producer, John Wilder, with the comment that Michener’s background research was unassailable. He was as good a researcher as he was a writer.


Los Angeles
