
Carole Migden

While I greatly appreciated your Sept. 29 story on the accomplishments of Assemblywoman Carole Migden (D-San Francisco) as chair of the Appropriations Committee, I was distressed by one peculiar aspect of the story.

When I worked in the Assembly, and particularly with the Ways and Means Committee and the Budget Conference Committee, I can remember no story about either Assemblyman John Vasconcellos or Sen. Alfred Alquist that mentioned their sexual preferences. Indeed, it would have been odd to have mentioned in any such story that they were heterosexuals.

So when talking about Migden’s accomplishments within the same realm, why keep mentioning her sexual preferences? If all she were doing was legislating for lesbians or other gays, it might be reasonable. But what the article really was about was the chairing of a powerful and difficult financial committee for the entire state. Whom she sleeps with is irrelevant.



Twin Peaks

Your article on Migden was a real eye-opener. Most everyone is aware of the behind-the-scenes activities of lobbyists. But not “at the scene,” during committee meetings, when they whisper in the ears of Assembly members during discussions and just prior to the vote!


