
What’s ‘Wrong’ Is Blaming Victims

* This is in regard to the Nov. 14 article about the 28-year-old man who was attacked and stabbed to death by four suspected gang members in an Albertsons supermarket parking lot in San Clemente on the evening of Nov. 12.

His 27-year-old girlfriend was also attacked and slashed on the hand. Orange County Sheriff’s Lt. Ron Wilkerson is quoted as saying, “It appears these people were in the wrong place at the wrong time.”

I object to the use of this expression. It wrongly casts blame upon the victims. The fact is they were at a place they had a right to be and at a time they had a right to be there.


The only wrong that was done was done by the four cowardly criminals that swarmed and murdered an innocent man.

Let us stop using this “wrong place and wrong time” expression when innocent people engaging in lawful activities are victimized by criminals.


