
Coaches Also Cutting Teeth

In a bit of coincidence the coaches at the Great Alaska Shootout could not miss, six of the eight participating in this tournament are either in their first or second year leading their respective schools, including UCLA’s Steve Lavin, who is in his first full season.

Lavin’s opponent Thursday was North Carolina’s Bill Guthridge, in his first season after 30 as an assistant to Dean Smith.

Also in the tournament: Massachusetts’ Bruiser Flint and Alabama Birmingham’s Murry Bartow, in their second season; and Tommy Amaker of Seton Hall and Jesse Evans of Southwestern Louisiana, in their first.


“Somebody came up to me at my table and asked, ‘Is the coach sitting here, too?’ ” said Flint, the youngest coach in the nation last season.

The other two coaches: 18-year Purdue veteran Gene Keady, and Charlie Bruns of Alaska Anchorage, a four-year veteran.


Toby Bailey, who banged his back and left shoulder in Thursday night’s loss, felt fine Friday morning and started and played 21 minutes in UCLA’s 92-68 victory over Alaska Anchorage.


Bailey has played in all 98 games of his college career.


vs. Alabama Birmingham

* 3 PST

Site--Sullivan Arena, Anchorage.

Radio--AM 1150.

Records--No. 7 UCLA 1-1, Alabama Birmingham 3-2.

Update--The Bruins’ deep use of their bench Friday could pay dividends in today’s game, their third in as many days. No Bruin played more than 27 minutes against Alaska Anchorage. Meanwhile, Alabama Birmingham had to fight off Southwestern Louisiana on Friday, 76-67, getting 17 points from guard Cedric Dixon to lead the way.
