
No Credibility

Ken Khachigian has little to no credibility on the issue of educational reform or on the integrity of the California Teachers Assn. (CTA). As “principal strategist [read: paid, political consultant] for Proposition 174” in 1993, Khachigian’s clients were thrashed by the voters on election day--starting a long line of thrashings for Khachigian’s clients. Even Khachigian confidant Gov. Pete Wilson ended up opposing Proposition 174 as did the majority of voters in Orange County. Khachigian’s been looking to even the score with the CTA, opponents of the school voucher initiative, ever since.

Notwithstanding that context, Khachigian has the audacity to characterize the CTA’s campaign against school vouchers as “maliciously deceitful” (“State Teachers Fail the Test of Real Reform,” July 20). That’s a quintessential Khachigianism--demonize the opposition, truth be damned. This is a “talent” developed as a speech writer for Richard Nixon.

The voters of California can be trusted to reject Khachigian’s elitist tendencies.


