
A Shot at ‘Best Shot’

My! What a difference a little “E” can make!

You don’t think so, Mr. Editor of My Best Shot? (June 1). OK, so take the word “human.” Now, add an “E” onto the end and what’ve you got? You’ve got “humane.” As in someone who doesn’t think the sight of an innocent, helpless little dog, sopping wet, unleashed and unprotected in the open back of a truck is funny in the slightest way.

A little dog in the open back of a truck being driven by some very stupid, unfeeling, non-humane human. What in God’s name could anyone with any brains and heart find funny about that?

A helpless little dog who could, and probably shall, sooner or later, fall off that miserable truck and be killed.


If that wretched photograph is the best that My Best Shot can come up with, then you and people like [photographer] Pat Knox AND the owner of that poor little dog should hang your heads in shame.


Balboa Island

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