
Shorter-Range Planning Needed

In your inaugural editorial “Ideas of Today Will Shape County of Tomorrow” (June 29), you talk about planning for Ventura County’s next 100 years. I don’t think people can identify with that time span. We need to consider the next 10 to 20 years.

We need to ask, “Why have so many former San Fernando Valley residents moved to Ventura County?”

Shorter commutes? No.

Better facilities? No.

Easier access to LAX? No.

Easier access to L.A.? No.

Better jobs? Probably not.

How about less crime? Ah, yes.

Better schools? Bingo.

Let’s preserve the quality of life established in Ventura County. Bigger is most often not better. The San Fernando Valley was once the “promised land” but not anymore. Let’s plan and plan well to avoid a repeat of these problems.



