
Code Change Allows Outdoor Retail Sales

A change to the city’s municipal code to allow a planned Wal-Mart and other large retail businesses to have long-term, outdoor parking lot sales has been approved by the City Council.

The issue was first raised during discussions with Wal-Mart, which will soon begin construction on the former Hi-Way 39 drive-in movie property on Beach Boulevard and Trask Avenue.

Wal-Mart, city officials said, wanted to have parking-lot sales of garden and patio merchandise on a permanent basis, but city codes allowed only for special outdoor sales up to three days.


Under the new rules, which were finalized this week, businesses with more than 50,000 square feet of floor space can apply to the city’s Planning Commission for a renewable permit of up to three years.

The businesses will also be required to install decorative fencing around the area of sales, which can include live and cut plants, trees, soil, garden implements and tools and patio furniture.
