
Charter Commission

Re “Why Are Unions Running L.A.?” June 15.

The victory by labor-endorsed candidates for charter commission has generated sour grapes from a small bunch of sore losers. These individuals claim special interests have taken over the charter reform process. However, I see the opposite. The charter commission will protect taxpayers from special interests who want to sell off municipal assets and services and usher in an era of political cronyism.

Contrary to claims by those with other agendas, unions embrace charter reform. We support efforts to make city government more efficient, increasing public input on neighborhood issues and protecting against corruption that comes with a political spoils system.

City employees are committed to providing their customers, the taxpayers, with quality service. The city’s Quality and Productivity Commission’s recently honored employees saved the city $38 million annually.


Unions are not running Los Angeles. They never have and never will. Rather, unions want to assure delivery of high-quality and reliable service to the citizens by public employees. Union members expect the same high quality and reliability from city services as any other city resident. The only difference is they also work for the city.


President, Engineers

and Architects Assn.

