
VISTA Central Bus Taking a New Route

The VISTA Central bus route that provides hourly commuter service between Camarillo and Oxnard has been changed.

Transit service was formerly provided between the Oxnard Transit Center and Carmen Plaza via Camarillo State Hospital and the Flynn Industrial area.

Under the new route, which took effect last Tuesday, express bus service is now provided between the Flynn Industrial area and the Oxnard Transit Center.


The previous route had been operating as a demonstration program for three years. The new route will operate for one year to determine its workability.

The cost of the service will be $38,200, consisting of $33,100 for a one-year service contract with Laidlaw Transit Services and $5,100 for fuel.

The Ventura County Transportation Commission will use federal funding to offset 80% of the operating costs. Camarillo, Oxnard and the county will be responsible for funding the remaining 20%, or $7,640, of the contract.


The Camarillo City Council agreed last week to enter into the VISTA Cooperative Agreement and to contribute its share of $2,550.
