
Eatery Is Limited to Beer, Wine Sales

Brody’s Family Grill will continue to sell beer and wine but cannot offer patrons hard liquor, officials ruled this week.

The Brookhurst Street establishment appealed a Planning Commission ruling denying its request to serve spirits. But City Council members, concerned about a high concentration of liquor sales in the area, sided with the planners.

Residents who live near Brody’s complained that the eatery and bar could become rowdy if liquor is sold.


The city does not issue liquor licenses; the state Alcoholic Beverage Control does. But the planning commission and council can decide conditions of business permits.

Council members rarely approve hard liquor sales, particularly along Brookhurst, where there is a high concentration of alcohol licenses, according to the ABC. The council recently denied an application for a lounge featuring Internet access, alcoholic beverages and cigars.
