
Patti LaBelle at the Bowl: Readers’ Views

Every once in a while when you’re at the Hollywood Bowl during a summer evening, you might just see a falling star. This was certainly the case last Saturday night when I attended Patti LaBelle’s concert (“The Belle Tolls,” Morning Report, Calendar, Aug. 19). How far LaBelle fell is still in question. Simply stated, LaBelle should be ashamed of her embarrassing behavior throughout the evening. Her continuous accusations against the Hollywood Bowl management--whether true or not--were completely unprofessional and ruined what originally promised to be an entertaining evening for audience members. The few songs that she did perform all suffered from her angry demeanor.

Furthermore, LaBelle comparing herself to “Kunta Kinte’s daughter” was not only completely uncalled-for but also very destructive.

Conductor John Mauceri and the Hollywood Bowl Orchestra should be commended for weathering this embarrassing storm for three straight nights.



South Pasadena


As someone who attended Patti LaBelle’s engagement Sunday night, I think the headline of Connie Johnson’s review should have been “The Hollywood Bowl Slips a Notch in Patti LaBelle Opener” (“Patti LaBelle Slips a Notch in Bowl Opener,” Aug. 18).

First of all, my party was dissatisfied with the sound quality at the Bowl. For some of us, it was our first trip to the Bowl, and we expected more from this venue. Also, we were unhappy that LaBelle was not allowed the freedom to do what she does best--entertain. Anyone familiar with a Patti LaBelle concert knows that she encourages audience participation and invites audience members on stage. Her interaction with audience members sets her apart from, and above, many performers today. The representatives of the Bowl should have known this, and if they did not find LaBelle’s style of performing acceptable, they should not have invited her to perform. Rather than showing flexibility with one of the greatest singers and performers this country has to offer, the Bowl seems to have pushed her to conform to the Bowl’s “standard operating procedures.”

Despite the problems with the venue, LaBelle, as usual, put great effort into providing a good show. Her voice was wonderful despite the hoarseness she developed trying to overcome the lacking sound system, and she appeared disappointed that she was not given more time to perform. Johnson was correct in saying that it is “her overall brilliance as a performer” that we will remember. In fact, the 14 people who made up our party left, not disappointed in her but wondering when we can catch Patti LaBelle in a venue that is more deserving of her talents.



North Hollywood


I’ve been attending the Hollywood Bowl for 28 years and the sound has served all the orchestras, opera singers and rock stars that have appeared there. Maybe it was LaBelle’s one-note signature screeches that were not good enough for the Bowl.

It’s amazing for a “professional” to be so self-centered as to not respect the audience or the venue. John Mauceri was a gentleman throughout. The Hollywood Bowl has a lot of class; LaBelle does not.


Manhattan Beach
