
Clinton Names Advisory Panel on Race Relations

<i> From Associated Press</i>

President Clinton opened a yearlong initiative on race relations Thursday by appointing a board to advise him on the divisive issue.

The diverse panel of three whites, two blacks, one Latino and one Korean American will be chaired by prominent black historian John Hope Franklin, 82. A staff of 15 to 20 federal employees will run the operation.

The board’s first chore will be helping Clinton polish a Saturday commencement address that aides hope will serve as a hallmark of his presidency. He plans to trace the history of racism and division, urge Americans to talk frankly about their prejudices and present his vision for a more united America.


“Our hope is that, in a year’s time, we will have ways that both policies and people can help the nation respect each other’s differences but, at the same time, grow together as one,” said Deputy White House Chief of Staff Sylvia Mathews.

Besides Franklin, the panel members, all unpaid and part-time, are:

* Thomas H. Kean, 61, former Republican governor of New Jersey.

* William F. Winter, 74, former Democratic governor of Mississippi.

* Linda Chavez Thompson, 52, executive vice president of the AFL-CIO.

* Robert Thomas, 52, president and CEO of Nissan Motor Corp.

* Angela Oh, 41, past president of the Korean American Bar Assn. of Southern California.

* The Rev. Suzan Johnson Cook, senior pastor of the Bronx Christian Fellowship.

Harvard University law professor Christopher Edley will serve as a consultant to the advisory board.
