
Negative Roseanne Report

I am writing in response to the item in the May 17 Morning Report column regarding Roseanne’s stage debut in “The Wizard of Oz” at the Theater at Madison Square Garden. I was shocked to find that you cited only the most negative reviews in her item. The fact that both our production and Roseanne got many excellent reviews was totally ignored.

The opinions of Clive Barnes, Pat Collins, Liz Smith, Jeffrey Lyons, Roma Torre and Howard Kissel are certainly every bit as credible as those cited in your piece. Why did you choose to ignore these critics?

Negative reviews, some of which are mean-spirited and downright hostile, are a reality of the theater business. To quote one of my most respected colleagues, theatrical criticism in 1997 has become a verbal blood sport. I guess nastiness sells.


Your choice to feature only the most negative opinions in your piece was unfair to all concerned--to Roseanne, to her fellow performers and to the creative team responsible for the show. Most of all, the piece was unfair to your readers.


Vice President and Producer

Madison Square Garden
