
UC Audit Sees Savings at UCI Medical School and Center

An audit of University of California financial procedures has found some room for improvement at both the College of Medicine and Medical Center of UC Irvine.

Recommendations for the medical college include centralizing the 23 separate patient billing systems now in existence to avoid confusion and duplication and tightening internal control procedures, especially regarding personnel file changes and purchase requisitions.

Among the recommendations for the Medical Center are:

* Revise the computer interface between the Medical Center and the university campus general ledger system to improve accounting methods that are currently “unreliable, cumbersome and not user friendly.”


* Establish better guidelines for evaluating the profitability of proposed managed care contracts;

* Extend business hours of the cashier’s office to ensure that required cash deposits are received from all outpatients prior to their obtaining medical services.

The audit, conducted by a firm called Deloitte & Touche on all nine of the university’s campuses statewide, was for fiscal 1995-96.
